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Senate Races

Senate District 54

All statements, answers, and information found within the 159 Georgia Together voter guide were collected via an electronic survey. Due to the sheer volume of information collected and the number of candidates that submitted survey data, all of the information presented in the guide is verbatim per the input from the survey participants (including any spelling or grammatical errors).


Chuck Payne (R, Incumbent)

Top 3 Priorities If Elected

1. To reduce and eliminate the State Income Tax in Georgia to better compete with neighboring states for economic growth and employment opportunities.  2. To restore public servitude among elected officials.  3. To represent the interests of the People in the 54th Senate District of Georgia.

Do you support legislation that would prevent business owners and employers from denying services to LGBTQ people and others based on their religious beliefs?

No. Because the 1st Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees the individual right of conscience. It does not serve freedom if people are forced to do something that is against their firmly held religious beliefs.

Do you support ending cash bail for low-level offenses?

Yes. As proponent of the Justice Reforms that Georgia has made, and continues to make, "Justice" is not always defined by incarceration.

Do you support the creation of a non-partisan independent redistricting commission?

No. Because it is a requirement of the Legislature, as those elected by the People, to determine and find consensus in drawing Legislative Districts.

Would you support an English-only Constitutional Amendment if it were on the ballot?

Yes. For it is an impossibility for the State Government to address every language need. English only allows the government to operate in a uniform measure for all.

Do you support the right of workers to form a union and bargain collectively?

No. Georgia is Right to Work State, insuring the Right to Work.

Did you/do you support guns on campus?

Yes. The 2nd Amendment insures the Right of law abiding citizens to gun ownership and possession.

Do you support electricity rate increases to complete two nuclear reactors at Plant Vogtle?


Do you support changing Georgia's voting system to a voter-marked (pen or pencil) paper ballot with optical scanners?

Yes. It isn't a matter if it is electronic voting or pen/pencil and paper voting, but that each voter be provided a printed verification of their votes cast, as to be used a verification of the vote tally.

Do you support the expansion of early voting?

No. Because voting is already greatly accessible to any/all who wish to vote.

Do you support public vouchers being used for private and/or charter schools?

Yes. To allow the Parents recourse for the sake of their children that might be otherwise trapped in failing school district.

Do you support Medicaid expansion or another Georgia-specific plan to extend health insurance to low-income Georgians?

No. The Affordable Care Act is currently failing to achieve the promises made in the time of its conception. There are State and local options to assist the truly indigent in society

Will you support policies and legislation that increase access to reproductive health care, including abortion, and oppose policies and legislation that limit or reduce access to reproductive health care, including abortion?

No response

Would you support efforts to strengthen Social Security for current and future retirees and put the program on a more stable fiscal path?

No response

Do you support a livable wage of a minimum of $15 per hour?

No response


Michael S. Morgan (D)

Top 3 Priorities If Elected

No response yet.

Do you support legislation that would prevent business owners and employers from denying services to LGBTQ people and others based on their religious beliefs?

Explain your position.

Do you support ending cash bail for low-level offenses?


Explain your position.

Do you support the creation of a non-partisan independent redistricting commission?

Explain your position.

Would you support an English-only Constitutional Amendment if it were on the ballot?

Explain your position.

Do you support the right of workers to form a union and bargain collectively?

Explain your position.

Did you/do you support guns on campus?

Explain your position.

Do you support electricity rate increases to complete two nuclear reactors at Plant Vogtle?

Explain your position.

Do you support changing Georgia's voting system to a voter-marked (pen or pencil) paper ballot with optical scanners?

Explain your position.

Do you support the expansion of early voting?

Explain your position.

Do you support public vouchers being used for private and/or charter schools?

Explain your position.

Do you support Medicaid expansion or another Georgia-specific plan to extend health insurance to low-income Georgians?

Explain your position.

Will you support policies and legislation that increase access to reproductive health care, including abortion, and oppose policies and legislation that limit or reduce access to reproductive health care, including abortion?

Explain your position.

Would you support efforts to strengthen Social Security for current and future retirees and put the program on a more stable fiscal path?

Explain your position.

Do you support a livable wage of a minimum of $15 per hour?

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