#159CivicEngagement: Help Register New Americans to Vote with New American Pathways
On behalf of: New American Pathways
Only 43 Days Until November 2017 Municipal Elections; 407 Days Until 2018 Midterm Elections
New American Pathways, an Atlanta-based refugee resettlement and immigration services agency, needs volunteers who want to help register new Americans and turn out the vote. #159VoterRegistration #159CivicEngagement
Georgia’s new American population has increased over 153 percent since 1990 and are rapidly becoming citizens and voters. In the 2016 election, Asian-American and Latino voter turnout increased by 11 percent and 12 percent respectively. These populations are increasingly having a larger impact on their local and state-wide communities.
New American Pathways’ biggest ongoing effort is to help register newly-naturalized citizens at USCIS naturalization ceremonies. Ceremonies take place primarily during the work day at the Tucker USCIS location, or at the Atlanta federal courthouse, but may often take place in local courthouses.
All volunteers must attend a one-hour training. To sign up for a training, contact Stephanie Jackson Ali at s.ali@newamericanpathways.org.
New American Pathways is also working in partnership with Asian Americans Advancing Justice, Center for Pan-Asian Community Services (CPACS) and more than 30 community-based organizations to host phone banks and door-to-door canvases to help get out the vote, among new American voters. Visit http://newamericanpathways.org/5251-2/ for dates and locations of canvasses. People interested in phone banks and canvasses should contact Ali.