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Civic Engagement: Ways You Can Help

Civic Engagement:
Ways You Can Help


How to DONATE TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE in Georgia’s Dec. 6 Senate Runoff Election! Raphael Warnock’s race is still a critical one for the entire country, for many reasons.

We present a selected list of some of the many Georgia-based organizations that are doing critical runoff election work *right now* across the state specifically to *get out the vote for the runoff*, with a special emphasis on organizations that focus on and are led by women and people of color. Even a small-dollar donation will make a difference.

We are so grateful for the many folks across the country who want to help! Countless community leaders and organizations have been working here for decades; we appreciate you listening to locals and letting locals lead.

* 1000 Women Strong https://secure.actblue.com/donate/georgiaro2022

* ACLU of Georgia https://acluga.org

* Albany Voter's Coalition. https://www.albanyvoterscoalition.com

* America Votes Georgia Runoff Fund http://bit.ly/3UUgFEY

* Asian American Advocacy Fund https://www.asianamericanadvocacyfund.org

* Asian Americans Advancing Justice-Atlanta https://www.advancingjustice-atlanta.org

* Black Voters Matter Fund https://blackvotersmatterfund.org

* Common Cause Georgia https://www.commoncause.org/georgia

* Deep Center https://www.deepcenter.org

* Democratic Party of Georgia https://www.georgiademocrat.org

* Democratic Party County Committees https://www.georgiademocrat.org/county-committees

* Environmental Voter Project https://www.environmentalvoter.org/donate/Georgia

* Fair Fight Action https://fairfight.com

* GALEO https://galeo.org

* Georgia Alliance for Progress https://www.gapartnersfund.org

* Georgia Coalition for the People's Agenda http://thepeoplesagenda.org

* Georgia Conservation Voters Action Fund https://www.gcvoters.org/pac

* Georgia Equality https://georgiaequality.org

* Georgia Muslim Voter Project https://www.gamvp.org

* Georgia WIN List: https://gawinlist.com

* Georgia Working Families Party https://workingfamilies.org/state/Georgia

* Georgia Youth Justice Coalition: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/georgiayouthaction

* Her Term: https://www.herterm.org

* Indivisible Georgia Coalition https://indivisiblegeorgiacoalition.org

* Migrant Equity Southeast https://www.migrantequity.org

* New Georgia Project https://newgeorgiaproject.org

* Power the Vote https://powerthevote.org

* Rep GA https://www.repga.org

* SONG Power https://unleashpower.org

* We Vote. We Win. https://secure.actblue.com/donate/wevotewewintogether

* Women Engaged https://www.womenengaged.org

* Young Democrats of Georgia https://georgiayds.org

159 Georgia Together: Our all-volunteer 501(c)4 has a diverse board and focuses on researching and sharing progressive volunteer and donor opps and action steps across Georgia. Please “Like” our public Facebook group (159 Georgia Together); send us a message to join our private group.

Deborah WestbrookeDonation